STOP SEARCHING……Are you bleary-eyed from reading so many counselor profiles? Are the words just combining to read blah, blah, blah? So, you’re looking for a therapist, good news, I’m looking to help people! My name is Derreka Walton, and I own and operate The Couch Counseling Center. Am I some super magical being with special unicorn counseling abilities? NO! I’m a pretty regular person with some skills!
I’m married, have kids, a few pets, a job, and a life, pretty normal, right?
My skills enable me to help people with a wide range of concerns, from relationships to anxiety to depression to anger, and more. Hurting? Stuck? Not even sure what is going on? I don't know what is going on sometimes too. I am not going to sit here and guarantee we can work through the stuff you are concerned with. Besides, you might be standing.
EVERYONE is different, and every problem is different! Have you ever tried on shoes? Of course, you have. The thing about shoes and counselors is they don’t fit everyone the same. I, and The Couch Counseling Center, think we could be a great fit, but if we’re not we can help you find someone who is.
Counseling stinks, I tried it and didn’t think it was for me. Sound familiar? Those were my thoughts about counseling and I am wondering if you have ever felt that way? If I was offered the choice of seeing a counselor or assembling IKEA furniture with winter mittens, I would have redecorated my entire house in unpronounceable Swedish accouterments. Shunning the counseling establishment didn’t ease the sense of unhappiness I had, so I gave the system another go. This time I found a counselor that didn’t stink, a counselor that was able to see me for who I am and gave me a sense of hope I hadn’t found otherwise. And that’s why I became a counselor.
My name is Lisa, and I want to help you by working together as a team. I believe a team is non-judgmental, supportive, and focused on moving towards the same goals.
The University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh bestowed on me, by virtue of my studious and hard work, a degree in Clinical Mental Health Counseling. Using this degree I became a Licensed Professional Counselor, and have experience working with a diverse range of people and concerns, including depression and anxiety.
When I’m not doing the counseling, I enjoy spending time with my family and doing cool things like rock collecting and crocheting (not necessarily at the same time).
When life feels like a lot —whether from work, school, or the pressures of family life—it’s easy to lose sight of what matters most. I blend my lived experience with years of education and career expertise to help individuals, couples, and families reclaim their balance.
I specialize in stress, burnout, trauma, relationship issues and reclaiming your identity. I guide clients through healing and growth with a deep understanding of what it takes to turn over a new leaf.
I offer practical tools for navigating work stress, burnout, and building healthier boundaries. I also work with couples and families to strengthen relationships, find deeper connection, and create lasting change.
I approach each person’s journey with a unique blend of compassion, humor, and evidence-based methods.
Wherever you are in life—personally, in your relationships, or with your career—let’s turn over a new leaf together.
Phone: 920.872.7292
806 Valley rd, suite 13
menasha, wi 54952
mental health ntervention Services
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